Current Conditions 9:20 PM
Temperature - 53°F
Dew point - 46°F
Relative humidity - 77%
Wind direction - E
Wind speed - 12 mph
Barometric pressure - 1008.0 mb
Sky conditions - Overcast
Current conditions courtesy of NOAA
Today was a windy day with strong gusts coming from the east. As the old saying goes When the wind's in the East, It's neither good for man nor beast. This saying hasn't been more true over the last two weeks in Wisconsin. Last week we were on top of a large low pressure system and another is moving in right now but it doesn't appear to be as large or strong. With temps in the lower 60s today I anticipate heavy storms overnight and into tomorrow morning but ending quickly.
Today started off clear as the previous storm moved through but low stratocumulous clouds formed quickly and stuck around as the winds increased in intensity. This tells me that low level moisture is moving through the area which has been brought in by the low pressure. As the system moves it will increase the moisture in the area and create conditions perfect for rainfall and even thunderstorms. Look for rain tonight and into tomorrow with slightly lower temps and pressure.
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