Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Yep, still cold

Current ConditionsTemperature - -3.8°F
Feels Like - -13°F
Dew point - -13°F
Relative humidity - 63%
Wind direction - W
Wind speed - 4 mph
Barometric pressure - 1026.5 hPa and Falling Rapidly
Cloud cover - Mostly sunny with a few clouds

Current conditions curtesy of Weatherunderground

My forecast today being as general as it was turned out to be correct in that it is slightly warmer with clear skies sans a few clouds.The wind is still coming from the West which is easily explained by the polar vortex which is still hitting us hard here in Eau Claire, WI. Many students are upset that the university did not cancel classes due to the weather but if they look at the weather conditions I posted above they would see that it's actually a fair amount warmer given the circumstances.

The map below shows present wind data and also the temperature of the wind at 250hPa
Curtesy of Earth.Nullschool.net
It's a little hard to see the land boundaries but I added some place names to help show where the wind is. Another map provided below shows wind direction as well as degrees Fahrenheit for those stations.

Temperatures across the state have risen considerably from yesterday but still many locations are not above 0°F. With the wind coming from the West I am predicting that the temps across the state will rise above 0°F and no students will complain about it being too cold! With the dropping barometric we can also expect some snow or other form of season appropriate inclement weather. I'm going to guess that the temperature for Eau Claire at one of the stations will be 10°F and if I'm wrong and called out on it I will do something special. Come back tomorrow to see if I'm right!

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