Monday, January 27, 2014


Current ConditionsTemperature - -11.6°F
Feels Like - -32.8°F
Dew point - -26.1°F
Relative humidity - 47%
Wind direction - W
Wind speed - 12 mph
Barometric pressure - 30.4 in Hg and Rising Slowly
Cloud cover - clear

Welcome to Wisconsin where the cheese flows like water and where going outside requires two jackets. My name is Drew and I will be reporting the weather (hopefully) on a daily basis to keep you uptodate with what's going on in the world outside of your home.

Today is going to be another bone freezing day just like many before it. If you are planning on doing anything outside expet to get frost bite on any uncovered body parts in a matter of minutes. Looking at the map below you can see that the polar vortex over Canada is just hitting Wisconsin and surrounding states which is the cause for the extreme cold we've been experiencing.
A polar vortex can be defined as  a persistent, large-scale cyclone located near either of the planet's geographical poles. Typically these vortexes stay around the poles but when this one has weakened and moved south to cover much of Canada and the United States. NPR had a great story on this and why it's affecting us. I'm not sure when this thing will move on and give us back our positive degree days but for all of our sake I hope it's soon. Tomorrow I'm expecting more of the same with some slightly warmer temps. 

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