Current Conditions 11:30 AM
Temperature - 12°F
Feels Like - -7°F
Dew point - 6°F
Relative humidity - 72%
Wind direction - N
Wind speed - 22 mph
Barometric pressure - 996.8 mb rising slowly
Sky conditions - Mostly Cloudy
Current conditions courtesy of Wunderground from the Third Ward, Eau Claire station
I looked out my window today and everything was white. There was many inches of snow covering virtually everything. People cleaning off their cars were having problems because not only did a lot of wet snow fall, it quickly froze overnight as the temps dropped to the teens. The low pressure system moved through fairly quickly and now we are going to be experiencing some high pressure for a few days before temps rise again.
An interesting thing is happening on the East coast with the long line of high pressure and the horizontal low system. This is creating a large mess of storms but at least it's not snowing there anymore.
My prediction for yesterday was accurate besides the time I said it would start snowing. For tomorrow expect similar conditions as today with clearer skies and slightly lower temps. Wind speed should drop as the the high pressure starts to sit over us. Having both systems so close to us right now is creating the large amount of wind so it will be nice once that settles down.
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