Current Conditions 12:30 PM
Temperature - 19°F
Feels Like - 6°F
Dew point - 6°F
Relative humidity - 57%
Wind direction - NE
Wind speed - 13 mph
Barometric pressure - 1033.2 mb and rising
Sky conditions - Partly Cloudy
Current conditions courtesy of NOAA
It may be warmer but the conditions don't represent it much. Everything I predicted for today was of besides the warmer temp. The wind is now coming from the NE which is causing it to feel 1 degree colder than yesterday even though the actual temp is higher. We have light cloud cover which allows for most of the suns energy to get through which is causing some snow to melt here on campus. Across the region temps are up compared to last weekend and they should only continue to go up.
For tomorrow expect still warmer temps with a reel feel around 10 degrees. Winds should be a little lower which will help increase the temp slightly.
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