Current Conditions 6:45 PM
Temperature - 47°F
Feels Like - 43°F
Dew point - 32°F
Relative humidity - 56%
Wind direction - W
Wind speed - 8 mph
Barometric pressure - 1003.4 mb
Sky conditions - Partly Cloudy
Current conditions courtesy of NOAA
Lot of sunshine today and many people out in shorts enjoying the warm temps. We are currently experiencing a large amount of low pressure which is being accompanied with a very favorable jet stream for warm temps. The cirrus clouds in the sky tell me that the temps are going to stick around for more than just one day. Cloud cover stayed constant all day and winds were gentle but added a little chill to the day.
For tomorrow expect the low pressure to stick around as the jet stream should continue to bring in warm Pacific air. Winds might be a little higher but nothing too intense. A hat might be required.
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