Current Conditions 10:40 PM
Temperature - 30°F
Feels Like - 21°F
Dew point - 26°F
Relative humidity - 85%
Wind direction - N
Wind speed - 10 mph
Barometric pressure - 1019.4 mb
Sky conditions - Overcast
Current conditions courtesy of NOAA
If you go outside right now you will most likely feel a drop or two of precipitation. This is because of the high amount of moisture that evaporated and with the dew point being so close to the actual temp that moisture is very close to falling on us but I think it will hold off because of how high the temp is.
Some altostratus clouds stuck around all day today providing the same effect as yesterday. I assumed we would be receiving some colder temps because of how they split yesterday but the pressure didn't get high enough for that to happen. For tomorrow expect the clouds to move out allowing the sun to shine almost all day. Since the winds are from the north right now there should be a bit of a cool down.
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