Current Conditions 9:25 PM
Temperature - 16°F
Feels Like - 15°F
Dew point - 4°F
Relative humidity - 59%
Wind direction - N
Wind speed - 0 mph
Barometric pressure - 1020.7mb
Sky conditions - Partly Cloudy
Current conditions courtesy of NOAA
For as cold as it was today it sure felt warmer. With the high pressure dome now over the region there was little cloud cover. A few cirrus clouds were present early today but quickly burned off. Some students were still wearing just sweatshirts but I decided to put my jacket back on.
A stationary front will be pushing through tomorrow which will help drive up temps just slightly. Also expect the winds to increase. Throughout the day they were fairly calm not getting above 5 mph. Tomorrow expect winds around 10mph. The pressure should drop a little but not much. I would still suggest wearing a winter coat.
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